"A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton

This quote means that if you make a promise and if you brake that promise, then that means that you broke something that you shouldn't of have broke and that promise can not be made again because if you brake a promise with someone, then that person wont trust you ever again or probably even talk to you again because you broke something that you shouldn't of have broken but that's how consequences start. And if you don't brake a promise and still keep that promise, then that means that the person you make the promise with doesn't brake, then that person will always be your friend and they will depend on you because you can keep promises and keep them and wot brake them for no reason. And for example, if i make a promise with someone or something, then i should keep that promise and never brake it because if i brake that promise, then something bad can happen to me which for example:lose a friend or never be trusted again. And if i make a promise with someone or something and i don't brake that promise, then that means that i can be trusted by my friends and i can also gain another friend or so but the important thing is that you should never ever brake a promise even if its easy or hard to keep because other people will depend on you.

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