Operating Room Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: Part of their job is to put the gowns and gloves on the surgeon and surgical assistants. Scrub surgical technologists set up a sterile operating room environment and are responsible for maintaining that field. Their chief job is to make sure the patient has the best possible care throughout the surgery.

Salary: $41,419-$49,592

Education:Operating room (OR) technicians, also called surgical technologists, assist surgeons, nurses and physicians before and during surgical procedures. They prepare the operating room, manage equipment and perform basic surgical tasks.

Demand:Operating room technicians are also called scrubs, surgical technicians or surgical technologists. They fulfill many duties before, during and after surgical procedures. They might set up and sterilize operating rooms, supply instruments for surgery and take inventory of surgical equipment.

Image result for operating room technicianImage result for operating room technician

Reflection: I would not like to be an Operating Room Technician because i would not like to operate on someones body and even though it looks cool i still wouldn't like to see that because i can a mistake and i would be nervous the whole time if i had to do that.


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