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"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating." - Sophocles
This quote means that if you lose in a fair match such as in wrestling, then that means that you failed with honor and didn't win by cheating, and that's the best thing that could happen to someone because mostly everyone cheats so they can win but few lose but with honor. For example, if you were in the championships and you cheating, then that means that you are not a CTR person because just by cheating can lead you to bad consequences and it can lead you to really bad trouble and no one wants that but some seek for it by cheating and not doing the right. And if you were not cheating and lost the championship but you did not cheat, then that makes you a CTR person because you did not cheat and if you cheat, then that means that you are not a CTR person, but if lose against someone, then that means that you lost but with honor and you didn't cheat.
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