Radiation Oncologist
Duties and Responsibilities: A radiation oncology technician administers radiation therapy to patients according to a doctor's specific instructions. A technician is responsible for positioning the patient and adjusting the machines to ensure proper dosage.Technicians are trained to evaluate the patient's well-being during treatment.
Education:Oncologist Education Requirements and Program Overviews. After earning a bachelor's degree, aspiring oncologists must complete medical school to fulfill oncology training, which includes fellowships in oncology and surgical oncology, and residencies in radiation oncology.
Demand:The supply of oncologists and radiation oncologists, by age, sex, and specialty, was projected through 2025 with an input-output model. ... When fully implemented, the ACA could increase the demand for oncologists and radiation oncologists by 500,000 visits per year, increasing the shortage to 2,393 FTEs in 2025.

Reflection: I would not like to become a radiation oncologist because it looks like too much work that i can barely handle with and i am already interested in other topics of jobs.
Education:Oncologist Education Requirements and Program Overviews. After earning a bachelor's degree, aspiring oncologists must complete medical school to fulfill oncology training, which includes fellowships in oncology and surgical oncology, and residencies in radiation oncology.
Demand:The supply of oncologists and radiation oncologists, by age, sex, and specialty, was projected through 2025 with an input-output model. ... When fully implemented, the ACA could increase the demand for oncologists and radiation oncologists by 500,000 visits per year, increasing the shortage to 2,393 FTEs in 2025.

Reflection: I would not like to become a radiation oncologist because it looks like too much work that i can barely handle with and i am already interested in other topics of jobs.
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