
Duties and Responsibilities: Reflexologists work with patients to help them ease the stress and tension in their lives. They perform therapeutic massage techniques to stimulate pressure points in patients' hands and feet. Some reflexologists also work with pressure points around the ears.


Education: Postsecondary Education. Aspiring reflexologists can complete a certificate or an associates degree program in massage therapy that includes courses in reflexology. Or, they can complete a massage therapy program and then earn a certificate in reflexology through a continuing education program.

Demand:Reflexology school programs generally take between six and twelve months to complete and involve 150 to 300 hours of study combined with hands-on practice. Some schools offer online as well as traditional classroom programs to meet course work requirements.

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Reflection: I would not like to become a reflexology because i don't like that kind of things and i would not be good at that kind of things because i would not pass to become one and i already have interests in other stuff.


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