
Duties and Responsibilities: As a pathologist, you might examine and diagnose bodily fluids, such as blood and urine, or tissues from biopsies and Pap smears, to diagnose disease. You may possibly perform autopsies to determine a cause of death.

Salary: $302,610

Education: A forensic pathologist must first earn a bachelor's degree, then a medical degree, either an M.D. or D.O. Extensive additional education and training is required, including four to five years of training in anatomic, clinical and/or forensic pathology and a one-year residency or fellowship in forensic pathology.

Demand: Career Outlook for Forensic Pathologists. The National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) adds that there are roughly 500,000 deaths annually which are referred to coroners or medical examiners for autopsies, and roughly twice as many forensic pathologists are needed to fill this demand.

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Reflection: I would not like to become a Pathologist because i would like to dissect a person or animal and its pretty weird for me.


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